This site will help you to make your own VideoCDs, SVCDs or DVDs that can be played on your standalone DVD Player from video sources like DVD, Video, TV, DV, Cam or downloaded movie clips like DivX, MOV, RM, WMV and ASF. We also have extensive lists of Capture Cards, DVD Media, computer DVD Writers, desktop DVD Recorders and desktop DVD Players with features, compatibility information and user comments. Use the menu to the left to navigate our site. Enjoy.
MUSIC GENRE A music genre is a category (or genre) of pieces of music that share a certain style or "basic musical language".
Music can also be categorised by non-musical criteria such as geographical origin.
POPULAR MUSIC GENRE Blues - The Blues is a vocal and instrumental music form which emerged in the African-American community of
the United States. Blues evolved from West African spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and has
its earliest stylistic roots in West Africa. This musical form has been a major influence on later American and Western
popular music, finding expression in ragtime, jazz, big bands, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and country music, as well
as conventional pop songs and even modern classical music. Due to its powerful influence that spawned other major musical
genres originating from America, blues can be regarded as the root of pop as well as American music.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Alban Skenderaj Mp3
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Hi! Could you post the "Vetem ty" english version???I'm interested in learning your language...but I haven't found any dictionary. Please let me know if there is any link to a dictionary or something. Thank you and kisses!
Alban je shume............................. i mire me besoni se sa here degjoj albanin ne tel e ngri zerin ne max dhe uthem familjes tani pushoni se doli Albani eshte me te vertete me i miri jo se te tjeret nuk jane te mire por mos tu mbese hadri Albani eshte shume.........shume i mire alban vazhdo keshtu Te lutem mos te rritet mendja nga komplimentat e shumt se i meriton
Si thoni goca eshte me i miri apo jo Është shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu me i mire apo jo ????
Alban je fantasik. Je shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum shum............................... i mire nuk e them te te rris mendjen por ja qe je i mire dhe nuk mund te them ndryshe.
ik ore debòle.................... me ato lajkat e tua.............. me ato bajgat e tua.............. me ato kenge te vjedhura......... >Per alabanin P.S. > Te pelqeu poesia? Eh?
ckemi alban, jam nje adhuuesja jote,sepse ti me bere te degjoj kengete shqipetare te tanishme..te falenderoj per kete...jam 18...dhe e pranoj qe je i pashem... distiniti saluti...
albann je ma i miriiiiiiiiiiii tduu shummmmmm kisha pas qef met pa nihere me mu plotsu ondrra e jetess mpuchhhhhhhhhhhhh tmadheee i lutna zotit met pa veq nihere edhe met pacc hehe mpuchh
Alban pa ofendime te gjitha vajzat që te shkruan letra dashurie kam vetem tri fjalë Get a life!!!!!! Albani nuk ështe dal aty per te shitur trupin apo ndonjegje ai ështe dal per te kenduar kështu qe per gjithe ato Chill out because he not interested in you fokes on that WAY!!!!!!!!!
hellooo... Albani shrku kenget shum fort.. kur ja ni kenget veq du te plas. Hec ne Kercove per veren 2007. dhe te garantoj se un dot jesha e para ke Premiumi!
alban jemi dy vajza nga prizreni qe te duam pa mase alban e ke fituar publikun e prizrenit dhe duhet te vjen ma shpesh sepse na mungon shume te gjithve ketu dhe te presim me padurim qe te vish te ne te duaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuume
alban ca ben si ja kalon yne jam nje vajze qe jetoi ne greqi dhe kenget shqipe nuk me pelqenin fare.kete behar erda pushime aty dhe dryshova kengetari me i mire qe kam digjuar kur digjoi kenget e tua me ngjethet mish.te dua shum.''roela''
alban je shum i mir adhuroj qdo gje tek ty por mbi te gjitha adhuroj personalitetin tend aq origjinal ti gjithmon je vetvetja dhe kjo eshte me te vertet per tu adhuruar
Video News
Video is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving pictures, typically using celluloid film, electronic signals, or digital media, primarily for viewing on television or computer monitors.
Video Game
A video game is a computer game where a video display such as a monitor or television is the primary feedback device. The term "computer game" also includes games which display only text (and which can therefore theoretically be played on a teletypewriter) or which use other methods, such as sound or vibration, as their primary feedback device, but there are very few new games in these categories. There always must also be some sort of input device, usually in the form of button/joystick combinations (on arcade games), a keyboard & mouse/trackball combination (computer games), or a controller (console games), or a combination of any of the above. Also, more esoteric devices have been used for input (see also Game controller). Usually there are rules and goals, but in more open-ended games the player may be free to do whatever they like within the confines of the virtual universe.
NOTESBlues - The Blues is a vocal and instrumental music form which emerged in the African-American community of
the United States. Blues evolved from West African spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and has
its earliest stylistic roots in West Africa. This musical form has been a major influence on later American and Western
popular music, finding expression in ragtime, jazz, big bands, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and country music, as well
as conventional pop songs and even modern classical music. Due to its powerful influence that spawned other major musical
genres originating from America, blues can be regarded as the root of pop as well as American music. Hip Hop/Rap - Hip hop music (also referred to as rap or rap music) is a style of popular music. It is made up of two
main components: rapping (MCing) and DJing (audio mixing and scratching). Along with breakdancing and graffiti (tagging)
these are the four elements of hip hop, a cultural movement that was initiated by inner-city youth (mostly minorities such
as African Americans and Latinos) in New York City in the early 1970s. Typically, hip hop music consists of one or more rappers
who tell semi-autobiographic tales, often relating to a fictionalized counterpart, in an intensely rhythmic lyrical form making
abundant use of techniques like assonance, alliteration, and rhyme. The rapper is accompanied by an instrumental track, usually
referred to as a "beat", performed by a DJ, created by a producer, or one or more instrumentalists. This beat is often created
using a sample of the percussion break of another song, usually a funk, rock, or soul recording. In addition to the beat other
sounds are often sampled, synthesized, or performed. Sometimes a track can be instrumental, as a showcase of the skills of the
DJ or producer. Rhythm and Blues - Rhythm and blues is a name for black popular music tradition. When speaking strictly of "rhythm 'n' blues",
the term may refer to black pop-music from 1940s to 1960s that was not jazz nor blues but something more lightweight. The term "R&B"
often refers to any contemporary black pop music. Early-1950s R&B music became popular with both black and white audiences, and
popular records were often covered by white artists, leading to the development of rock and roll.A notable subgenre of
rhythm 'n' blues was doo-wop, which put emphasis on polyphonic singing. In the early 1960s rhythm 'n' blues took influences from
gospel and rock and roll and thus soul music was born. In the late 1960s, funk music started to evolve out of soul; by the 1970s
funk had become its own subgenre that stressed complex, "funky" rhythm patterns and monotonistic compositions based on a riff or two.
In the early to mid 1970s, hip hop music (also known as "rap") grew out of funk and reggae. Funk and soul music evolved into
contemporary R&B (no longer an acronym) in the 1980s, which cross-pollinated with hip-hop for the rest of the 20th century and
into the 21st century.
M epelqen shumm Alban Skenderaj!E dua shummm